
    Tuesday, August 20, 2013

    Invitation for non-religious adults to participate in a study

    The following email was sent to the HSGP website contact.  If you are interested, follow the link.

    We are conducting a study at the Child Cognition Lab at Boston University that compares how religious vs.
    non-religious adults think about nature. We have collected data from religious participants and now need
    non-religious participants to make the comparison.
    We are seeking to recruit non-religious participants via nonreligious societies’ email lists. The study is
    ethically reviewed and approved by the Boston University’s Institutional Review Board.

    Below, I have attached the invitation to the study. The actual study is conducted online and the link to
    the study website can be found in the end of the invitation.
    I hope that this invitation would be forwarded to the members of your society.
    If you have any questions concerning the study, I am happy to answer them!

    Elisa Jarnefelt/ Child Cognition Lab at Boston University
    Dear non-religious community member:
    We are conducting a study at the Child Cognition Lab at Boston University that compares how religious vs
     non-religious adults think about nature. We have collected data from religious participants and now need
    non-religious participants to make the comparison. Would you be interested in helping us with our

    Your participation in this research is voluntary. If you decide to participate, the participation only requires
    you to visit our study webpage to look at a series of pictures and make judgments about them, and then
    complete questionnaires about your background, scientific understanding, attitudes and personal beliefs.
    Participation should only take about 40 minutes. 

    This study webpage is designed to work on laptop or desktop computers and will not work on portable
    devices such as iPads. Also, if you decide to participate, make sure that you are in a quiet place free from
    disturbances (e.g. TV) and able to concentrate through every task.

    Participants will not receive any benefits from this study, other than knowing that they helped science
    understand better how religious vs. non-religious people think. We hope this will be a good incentive for
    you, and that you will help us!

    And for the sake of the scientific integrity of the study, please participate only ONCE!
    Here is the link to the consent form and the study:
    THANK YOU so much for your interest!

    Child Cognition Lab
    Boston University
    (617) 358-1738


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